We are currently working on an extensive program which we have always called Proyecto Kamarakoto (Program Kamarakoto) working alongside the Pemón in Canaima National Park, Venezuela and are presently in the process of documenting their culture through various means such as a documentary film, attaining other important documents and archives (i.e historical photographs), anthropology books and other texts related to the Pemón. Our projects include but are not limited to, researching, and building and operating a cultural centre based in Kamarata, one of the Pemón communities, which is progressing well. Our activities also serve an educational purpose. Creating a documentary film, libraries, and cultural centres not only educates the public about their native culture and endangered flora and fauna but also enables indigenous cultures to thrive.
On an interesting note, Fundación Proyecto Maniapure was introduced to the community of Kamarata through Angel Conservation Corp and vice versa and thus began the Telemedicine Project in Kamarata in January of 2006.